After you have downloaded the Worship Bulletin go to our YouTube.com channel, "click here". Then select the video of the worship service that you would like to participate in (Note: The video should start immediately).

Worship Service Bulletins

The Baptism of Our Lord (01-12-25)
Second Sunday afer Christmas (01-05-25)
First Sunday after Christmas (12-29-24)
The Nativity of Our Lord (12-25-24)
Christmas Eve (12-24-24)
Fourth Sunday in Advent (12-22-24)
Third Wednesday in Advent (12-18-24)
Third Sunday in Advent (12-15-24)
Second Wednesday in Advent (12-11-24)
Second Sunday in Advent (12-08-24)
First Wednesday in Advent (12-04-24)
First Sunday in Advent (12-01-24)
Last Sunday of the Church Year (11-24-24)
Twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost (11-17-24)
Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost (11-10-24)
Observation of All Saints' Day (11-03-24)
Reformation Sunday (10-27-24)
Twenty second Sunday after Pentecost (10-20-24)
Twenty first Sunday after Pentecost (10-13-24)
LWML Sunday (10-06-24)
St Michael and All Angels (09-29-24)
Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost (09-22-24)
Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost (9-15-24)
Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost (09-08-24)
Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost (09-01-24)
Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost (08-25-24)
Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost (08-18-24)
Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost (08-11-24)
Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost (08-04-24)
Tenth Sunday after Pentecost (07-28-24)
Ninth Sunday after Pentecost (07-21-24)
Eighth Sunday after Pentecost (07-14-24)
Seventh Sunday after Pentecost (07-07-24)
Sixth Sunday after Pentecost (06-30-24)
Fifth Sunday after Pentecost (06-23-24)
Fourth Sunday after Pentecost (06-16-24)
Third Sunday after Pentecost (06-09-24)
Second Sunday after Pentecost (06-02-24)
Holy Trinity Sunday (05-26-24)
The Day of Pentecost (05-19-24)
Seventh Sunday of Easter (05-12-24)
Sixth Sunday of Easter (05-05-24)
Fifth Sunday of Easter (04-28-24)
Fourth Sunday of Easter (04-21-24)
Third Sunday of Easter (04-14-24)
Second Sunday of Easter (04-07-24 )
The Resurrection of Our Lord (03-31-24)
Holy Friday (03-29-24)
Holy Thursday (03-28-24)
Palm Sunday-Sunday of the Passion (03-24-24)
Sixth Wednesday in Lent (03-20-24)
Fifth Sunday in Lent (03-17-24)
Fifth Wednesday in Lent (03-13-24)
Fourth Sunday in Lent (03-10-24)
Fourth Wednesday in Lent (03-06-24)
Third Sunday in Lent (03-03-24)
Third Wednesday in Lent (02-28-24)
Second Sunday in Lent (02-25-24)
Second Wednesday in Lent (02-21-24)
First Sunday in Lent (02-18-24)
Ash Wednesday (02-14-24)
The Transfiguration of Our Lord (02-11-24)
Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany (02-04-24)
Fourth Sunday after Epiphany (01-28-24)
Third Sunday after Epiphany (01-21-24)
Second Sunday after Epiphany (01-14-24)
The Baptism of Our Lord (01-07-24)