After you have downloaded the Worship Bulletin go to our channel, "click here". Then select the video of the worship service that you would like to participate in (Note: The video should start immediately).

Worship Service Bulletins
Second Wednesday in Lent (03-12-25)
First Sunday in Lent (03-09-25)
Ash Wednesday (03-05-25)
The Transfiguration of Our Lord (03-02-25)
Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany (02-23-25)
LWML Prayer Service (2025)
Sixth Sunday after Epiphany (02-16-25)
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany (02-09-25)
Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany (02-02-25)
Third Sunday after the Epiphany (01-26-25)
Second Sunday after Epiphany (01-19-25)
The Baptism of Our Lord (01-12-25)
Second Sunday after Christmas (01-05-25)